17:46 24 Фев 2023

US allocates $7 million to protect Ukrainian heritage

The US State Department will invest $7 million to support Ukrainian efforts to protect its cultural heritage. It is a part of the US Cultural Heritage Response Initiative.

The funds will be funneled through the department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the US State Department reports.

"The Initiative was developed to support Ukraine's efforts to protect and repair damage to Ukrainian cultural heritage sites and collections, as well as expand and strengthen public-private partnerships with civil society in Ukraine," the report states.

The Ukraine Culture Heritage Response Initiative was established to bolster Ukraine's efforts to protect and repair damage to Ukrainian cultural heritage sites and collections, as well as expand and strengthen public-private partnerships in Ukraine.

The Initiative will reportedly prioritize cultural heritage sites "directly impacted" by russia's full-scale war against Ukraine. In cooperation with Ukraine's Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, Ukrainian NGOs, and international partners, the Initiative will give priority to cultural heritage sites and collections directly impacted by russia's brutal war in Ukraine.


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