US Treasury Secretary visits Ukraine to push economic aid

The US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen visits Kyiv on Monday on a surprise visit to reaffirm US support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russia's invasion

This includes promoting US economic aid that is bolstering Ukraine's war effort, Treasury Department spokesperson Lily Adams reports on Twitter.

Yellen met with top Ukrainian officials early on Monday and discussed the rollout of about $10 billion in financial assistance for Ukraine.

"I'm in Kyiv to reaffirm our unwavering support of the Ukrainian people," Yellen said.

"Mr. Putin is counting on our global coalition's resolve to wane, which he thinks will give him the upper hand in the war. But he is wrong. As President Biden said here last week, America will stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes."

The Treasury Department is responsible for imposing international sanctions against russian individuals and entities, as well as delivering economic aid to the country to the tune of $14 billion since the war began. The Treasury Department said Yellen was announcing the recent transfer of $1.25 billion in economic and budgetary aid while in Kyiv.

Yellen and other US officials met with Ukraine's President Zelensky. She laid flowers at the St. Michael's Cathedral in central Kyiv, as other foreign dignitaries have done.

"We cannot allow Ukraine to lose the war for economic reasons when it has shown an ability to succeed on the battlefield," Yellen wrote.

"Ukraine's military resistance depends on a government that can function effectively, as well as a stable economy that can help finance defense efforts over the long term. By fortifying the 'home front,' our economic assistance is helping make possible Ukraine's stalwart frontline defense against russia."

The US President Joe Biden made an unannounced trip to Ukraine on February 20. He met with Zelenskyy before delivering a speech in Poland. The Biden administration last week announced additional sanctions against russia and a new round of aid to Ukraine. 

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