"Sending tanks would send a strong signal as a complementary contribution. We are open to it, and we are in close dialogue with Germany in particular ," the minister said.
The precise number of tanks that would be sent has so far been made public, though most of the eight parties in parliament have voiced their opinions on how many of the 120 Leopard tanks of the Swedish Defence Force should be sent to Ukraine.
"The Swedish tanks reinforce the Leopard 2 contribution that other European countries make. Coordination of support is ongoing with international partners donating Leopard 2 or other tanks", the minister added.
Sweden's Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson also announced the state would be delivering the IRIS-T and HAWK anti-air missile systems to Ukraine.
Germany initially resisted pressure from allies to authorise the delivery of German-made Leopard tanks to Ukraine. But it relented in January, saying it would send a company of 14 Leopard tanks, with the aim of assembling along with allies two tank battalions for Ukraine.
Poland on Friday announced that four of its Leopard 2 tanks had already reached Ukraine and that it would send more "in a few days."
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