From spam to fan: how an email design platform helps 500,000 customers to reach their audiences

In times, when every business is fighting with the competition, it's easy for the companies, especially startups, to get lost in the flow of social media posts, ads, and marketing emails.

Furthermore, most of the biggest email service providers, like Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, try to please their users, who get an overwhelming amount of mail and create more and more sophisticated algorithms to block out newsletters that appear to be similar to spam. According to Return Path's 2018 Deliverability Benchmark Report, 15% of advertising emails don't find their way to the customer's inbox, thus, millions of emails end up in spam, companies lose millions of money on advertising that doesn't reach a potential client.

The solution to this problem and a way to stand out from the competition, create original marketing email, and boost your customer engagement might be closer than you think. Stripo is a universal email design platform that assists numerous marketing specialists and small business owners in creating stylish, up-to-date, and structured emails to get the audience to interact with what the business is trying to offer. 

What your clients are getting is useful and functional emails with your message, and what you, as a business, are getting is a lot of work off your hands. Stripo is a tool with 850+ email marketing templates that helps you quickly create professional newsletters and requires practically no programming skills. This platform allows its customers to create traditional HTML emails and AMP newsletters, download emails in PDF, HTML, and PSD files, and is integrated with over 60 ESP, CRM, and email services. Besides, Stripo has its own plugin, a drag-n-drop email editor for applications.

The company's main idea is to provide customers with a user-friendly editor that allows everyone regardless of experience to create beautiful emails that will work well in any inbox, and thanks to this, Stripo already have 600k clients, among which are the world's biggest companies: Samsung, McDonald's, Netflix, Luft, Bolt, Twitch, Uber, Airbnb, etc.

If you want to build your clients' loyalty and make your audience anticipate your new emails, go to Stripo.Email

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