Law №4358
16 dec, 16:23
It's official: Rada equated e-cigarettes to cigarettes
Zero level of tobacco use by minors: is it real in Ukraine?
19 nov, 11:11
Today Verkhovna Rada will vote for anti-tobacco draft law №4358: why it's important
18 nov, 14:14
Young people win squid game against smoking and call on Parliament to pass anti-tobacco draft law №4358
Special Project
Tax on sin. How increasing excise taxes on cigarettes helps fight smoking
Special Project
"It all starts at 14," or what to do with teen smoking
Special Project
They die early: how Ukrainian laws (do not) help prevent smoking
Special Project
Banning smoking in Ukraine? What does and doesn't a new anti-tobacco draft law have?
Special Project
Sell, if you can: how banned tobacco advertising works in Ukraine
Special Project