
4 may, 17:07
A map of recycling points launched in Ukraine

Making doctor's appointment and voting from bed: digitalization illustrated by Estonia

21 apr, 13:48
Design of Ukrainian gadgets for pet owners recognized as the best in an international competition

Drones against grass burners: how to fight dead-and-down arson in Zakarpattia

"I jokingly put up a colleague's photo at an NFT auction and sold it for $40." How to make money selling images on the Internet?

"You'll bliss out": what new things await us in "Diia" and other digitalization surprises. Interview with Mykhailo Fedorov

To the stars: how the only aerospace center in Ukraine works

30 mar, 16:39
Ukraine becomes the first country where digital passports will have the same legal power as physical ones

Competition in IT
Competition in IT: profession "old-timers" against newcomers

How to reach the stars: what's the uniqueness of Ukrainian planetariums

Bitcoins, or mining in apartment: everything you need to know

Business Intelligence: without BI, business is no longer a business

1 mar, 13:08
Future is near: a child is operated on by a robot in Lviv

1 mar, 09:38
Ukraine presents an all-terrain vehicle in Turkey that has no analogs in the world

Trend 2021–civic tech. What you need to know about public technology

What's Happening
New Blue Whale on TikTok? How to protect a child from suicide

Radio for millennials. Complete instructions for Clubhouse from inside

16 feb, 13:23