How to make a hackathon successful?
1 aug, 19:29
Lviv IT company opens office in Dubai
29 jul, 15:31
SkyUp to start flying to France
Find a solution and change the technology world with your ideas: Sikorsky Hack will take place in August
27 jul, 10:57
Ukraine launches bug bounty program to find vulnerabilities in Diia App
Partnership Content
What you need to know about SEO
17 jul, 17:47
IT, startups, cloud technologies: Ukraine signs document with Amazon
14 jul, 18:55
Ukraine launches official Instagram account
14 jul, 13:55
How Ukrainians are developing video game industry
Mouthpiece of millennials and politicians: why we still don't use Twitter
12 jul, 20:24
Dostupno app now has new features helping low-mobile population groups to navigate in Ukrainian cities
Improving corporate policies: how digital rights indices work
8 jul, 12:07
Authorities are working to cover Ukraine with 4G and introduce 5G as soon as possible - Shmyhal
Green patent. Where and how they accelerate technologies that will save the world
30 jun, 16:45
Apple opens an official representative office in Ukraine. Ministry of Digital Transformation comments
Challenge for Ukrainian business: protecting users' personal data
Planting clouds, straw in dunes and drone trees: how the world solves the problem of desertification