
School ready: How you can support Ukrainian children affected by war

Solutions from Ukraine: new anti-radiation shelter in Dnipropetrovsk region can protect 900 residents

25 jul, 13:59
Putin opens military school in Mariupol via video link, furthering Russification of children

Special Project
Change Makers: How a Ukrainian initiative is bridging educational gap between city and rural students

Photo, video
EU and UNDP help Mykolaiv restore sports college

26 jun, 15:36
Rebuilding Ukraine: government gives green light to 50 school shelter construction projects

24 jun, 23:00
US allocates $8.3 mln for printing textbooks for first and second graders in Ukraine

29 may, 14:11
Rebuilding Ukraine: Lithuania allocates €5 mln to reconstruct Ukrainian schools and kindergartens

25 may, 22:48
One of Germany's federal states introduces Ukrainian language in schools

Rebuilding Ukraine: Ukrainian and Lithuanian architects team up to transform war-damaged Soviet-era schools into safe, inclusive and modern shelters

School amid war: returning offline education to Ukraine’s frontline communities

17 may, 14:46
Solutions from Ukraine: how Ukrainian teachers inspire students to learn amidst war

Kharkiv underground school holds trial classes

Rebuilding Ukraine: SavED raises over $30,000 for student sports ground at Borodianka Lyceum affected by Russian aggression

2 may, 14:42
Solutions from Ukraine: Kyiv introduces "POVIR" platform to support schoolchildren in bridging educational gaps

30 apr, 15:55
Rebuilding Ukraine: Lithuania plans to construct six underground schools in Ukraine by year's end

23 apr, 10:43
Solutions from Ukraine: new education app "Mriia" to debut for students, parents, and teachers
