9 apr, 10:22
Armed Forces are ready for quick reaction along Ukrainian-Russian border - Khomchak
8 apr, 10:57
OSCE PA calls on Russia to de-escalate and respect Ukraine's territorial integrity
8 apr, 09:20
Five NATO countries discuss defense support opportunities for Ukraine - Pentagon
7 apr, 13:56
Occupants begin re-equipping defensive fortifications near Mariupol - JFO's press service
6 apr, 13:50
Zelenskyi responded to NATO Secretary-General: MAP would be a real signal to Russia
6 apr, 13:25
NATO Secretary-General called Zelenskyi to express concern over Russia's actions
6 apr, 13:02
Ukraine is initiating a TCG emergency meeting due to 3 servicemen's death in JFO
5 apr, 11:56
Zelenskyi signs a decree imposing sanctions on several Russian companies
2 apr, 12:13
NSDC develops various scenarios for Russia's response to escalation - Danilov
2 apr, 09:29
The US warns Russia against "intimidating" Ukraine
1 apr, 17:35
Zelenskyi comments on situation in Donbas
1 apr, 11:58
Russia will hold 50 military exercises near Ukrainian border, in particular in Crimea - Mass media
29 mar, 12:37
At the next TCG meeting, Ukraine will insist on returning ceasefire
26 mar, 09:59
Ukraine is preparing for any Russian aggression scenario, including invasion - Kravchuk
23 mar, 11:17
Russian party's representative in ORDLO is proof of escalation - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
12 mar, 16:18
Kravchuk: the meeting of Normandy format leaders is scheduled for April
10 mar, 09:56
Normandy 4 countries wait for Russia's response to peace plan of settlement of Donbas conflict - Yermak
3 mar, 13:56