31 may, 13:52
Ukraine to open 20 resilience centers offering social and psychological support amid war
Why Normality in Ukraine is worth fighting for
"Not everyone needs a psychologist, but everyone should know how to help themselves and others:" Kyiv Resilience Center teaches how to cope with trauma
She's got it
Women's power of Ukraine: support for military mothers
Live a family life, not a long-distance one: stories of Ukrainian couples in long-distance relationships
2 apr, 13:37
Latvia to offer psychological support course for Ukrainian border guards
Ukrainian soldiers and refugees undergo free psychological rehabilitation in Ivano-Frankivsk region
Charity auction in New York fundraises for Ukrainian survivors of sexual violence by russian soldiers
Ukraine launches campaign to promote importance of mental health
In Handy
Parenting amid war: how to take care of the child's future in advance
She's got it
Support groups for women waiting for their loved ones from war: how they work
Animal-assisted therapy and military rehabilitation: How man's best friend can heal the scars of war
In Handy
I'm frozen: how war desensitizes us and how to deal with it
Embroidered with pain: an art project launched in support of people who survived sexual violence during the war in Ukraine
In Handy
Get your resource back: how to support yourself in wartime
In Handy
How to psychologically support a child in an evacuation? Psychologists’ advices to migrant parents
She's Got It
"The most difficult question was 'when will it end?'": child psychologist about experienced occupation
In Handy