
Ukrainian taxi service Uklon adds fleet of wheelchair-accessible vehicles

People with disabilities in war: a complex problem in simple words

Special Project
Uliana Pcholkina. On evacuation from Bucha and health of women with disabilities during war

"Memories of past peaceful life, rubber slippers, and little clothing": how seriously ill evacuate from war zone

3 oct, 09:17
New inclusive website provides Ukrainians with critical information on surviving the war

29 aug, 08:54
Disability organization, relocated from the east of Ukraine, organizes clean-ups in the west

How to evacuate a person with a disability: difficulties, emotions, contacts

Special project
"Kitty the Defender" and "Ghost of Kyiv": a story of the boy with autism who helps the army

Who and how helps blind people during the war: work, scholarships and education

Tea for bears and playing UNO: how a workshop for people with autism and Down syndrome works in Lviv

31 dec, 11:03
House of Chimaeras shows an inclusive New Year's show for children: supported by Ukrainian business

Top 10 inclusive solutions of 2021: the best initiatives of Ukrainian activists and foreign innovations

Useful Сonfectionery: how people with disabilities in Cherkasy region are helped by occupational therapy

How does Good Bread From Good People bakery employ people with mental disabilities?

Not limited prospects, but ignored rights: what to do with art accessibility in Ukraine

27 oct, 09:32
First inaccessible advertisement appeared in Ukraine

News of companies
ATB network joins Olena Zelenska's "Barrier-free" program

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