
What it's like to be a woman: 4 books for March 8 from Vivat

She's Got It
Women in the Ukrainian army: what are the realities of service

If such a law existed in Ukraine. And how similar norms are already working in other countries.

Truth about home birth in Ukraine. What you need to know after the tragedy of a new mother's death in Rivne

She's Got It
Office affair: what to do if everything isn't like in the movies

She's Got It
Women in science. 11 famous ukrainian scientists, whose discoveries changed the world

Vernadsky Research Base turns 25: how is life in Antarctica?

5 feb, 10:39
"It seems": Ukraine launched an anonymous online diary for domestic violence victims

She's Got It
From ads to "Bachelorette": what’s a woman like on Ukrainian TV?

Secrets of happy marriage and relationships: 5 books about love from Vivat Publishing House for Valentine's Day

Abortion ban in Poland and abortion tourism in Ukraine: what'll happen next

19 jan, 17:23
Rada proposes to introduce fines for sexism

Ukrainians ask to allow partner childbirth. Why it's important

She's Got It
"You're making things up!" or why women aren't often treated: how inequality manifests itself in medical field

"The key is to be honest." Anna Butkevych: why a powerful woman needs to be photographed for Playboy, ATB million-charity campaigns, and burgers for a healthy lifestyle

7 dec, 16:56
Number of female deputies in newly elected councils of large cities increases by 50% - Study

She’s Got It
The Women Leading Change in Eastern Europe

1 dec, 13:02