
Special Project
"Rape is a weapon." How a Ukrainian woman helps victims of war violence

Modern superheroes. Why do we need more women's awards for women entrepreneurs?

She's Got It
Breaking the glass ceiling: 5 stories of Ukrainian women who break stereotypes in "male" professions

"Think where you're going," "it's your fault" and what's wrong with that

She's Got It
By a word of the law and the language of power: what women need to know about self-defense

She's Got It
Emily, Tyshkun and other scandals: what you need to know about the dress code and how to (not) react to it

She's Got It
Military enlistment for women: will everyone go to the front? What Ministry of Defense really implies

She's Got It
Inspiring solutions from women and for women: TOP-10 in 2021

24 dec, 11:10
Ministry of Defense to reduce the list of conscript professions for women

4 dec, 14:15
Winners of Hack for Locals 3.0 to implement innovative solutions to combat violence in Ukraine

UAE Embassy in Ukraine celebrated the 50th anniversary of their state with an event on gender equality

She's Got It
How does a social apartment help women who suffer from domestic violence or hardship?

25 nov, 16:55
Join the orange wave: 16 Days of Activism against Violence campaign launched in Ukraine

She's Got It
(Un)safe November: what to do when domestic violence is nearby

What to do if someone wants to attack you?

KPI spying scandal and "superspy" applications that will protect you

She's Got It
May we turn gray? Why do women decide not to dye their hair

She's Got It