29 oct, 08:28
Ukrainian forces have eliminated over 299,000 Russian invaders in full-scale war
Strong winds hit Ukraine, killing three and injuring ten
Kyiv region restores three multi-storey buildings and builds shelter for 500 citizens in liberated Buzova
28 oct, 14:08
Armenia joins Ukrainian peace formula meeting for the first time
28 oct, 13:51
Russian invaders have probably suffered "highest casualty rates of 2023" near Avdiivka – British intelligence
28 oct, 11:10
EU nears decision on use of €211 bln of frozen Russian assets – von der Leyen
Photos, video
Solutions to win: Kharkiv region unveils first-ever domestic demining machine
The role of human capital in Ukraine’s recovery explored at Human Capital UA forum in Kyiv
Ukraine installs modular primary care clinics in war-affected towns of Kharkiv region
27 oct, 13:41
Sunak and Zelensky in talks on grain corridor and more air defense for Ukraine
26 oct, 15:48
Ukraine's postal service celebrates soldiers honored with military awards
25 oct, 17:45
Ukrainian ranked one of top ten teachers worldwide for the first time
25 oct, 15:57
Western Chernivtsi construction workers have rebuilt 24 houses in liberated Kherson
25 oct, 09:56
United to win: Australia sends Ukraine demining equipment and anti-drone systems
24 oct, 18:27
Russia deploys more S-300 missiles to target Ukrainian border – National Resistance Center
24 oct, 16:58
Zhytomyr volleyball club makes historic debut in Eurocup competition
Torture pits found at Russian military training grounds, used to prepare recruits for war in Ukraine – satellite images
Photo, video
Solutions to win: Ukrainian inventors develop new kamikaze robot for Ukrainian forces
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