
24 may, 10:35
More than 1 million Ukrainians received COVID-19 vaccine, almost 76 thousand had two doses

21 may, 16:53
Liashko reports about his first working day in his new position

20 may, 11:07
Parliament appoints Liashko as Health Minister

People of Action: "A family doctor is a one-man army"

18 may, 11:10
Ukraine receives a new batch of Pfizer vaccine

Caution, ticks! How to protect yourself and what to do if picked up

14 may, 20:19
PM Shmyhal requests Parliament to dismiss Stepanov

Overcome chronic fatigue: what to do and how to fight it

12 may, 09:19
Czech Republic sends humanitarian aid to Ukraine: masks and Covid-19 tests

11 may, 16:21
Zelenskyi wants to place vaccine production in Ukraine

How children are born in the Czech Republic: hospital experience for Ukraine to use

10 may, 15:48
Ukraine can expect more than one wave of coronavirus, experts say

How to start eating healthy: 5 principles for everyone

7 may, 10:36
Cabinet of Ministers is working on providing medical oxygen to India - Shmyhal

4 may, 11:08
Why Ukrainians don't want to do covid vaccination: survey results

4 may, 09:11
Ukraine didn't receive the vaccine from the European community despite the EU's declaration - Zelenskyi

29 apr, 15:43
At least 70% of the population will be vaccinated by the end of the year - Liashko

28 apr, 12:15