
Богдан Петришин

5 apr, 14:25

All-Ukrainian media outlet "Rubryka" launches English-language social networks

5 apr, 09:10

You don't need to go to Poland: an enterprise with 700 workplaces is to launch in Zhytomyr region

5 apr, 08:50

Markarova spoke about organizing the meeting between Zelenskyi and Biden

21 mar, 11:31

International Forest Day: what threatens Ukrainian forests and what can everyone do to preserve them?

20 mar, 10:15

Happiness in simple things: 5 books about relationships, emotions, and aesthetics of joy

19 mar, 17:45

Instant results and expensive MBA: 5 myths about Ukrainian business education

17 mar, 10:35

5 skills of a modern person and what to read to master them

2 mar, 13:21

UAE to invest in mining in Ukraine: what we know

1 mar, 17:15

Independent woman: 5 books for successful business development

28 feb, 09:38

How to live grandly: guide books that will help everyone become a designer

26 feb, 09:05

What it's like to be a woman: 4 books for March 8 from Vivat

23 feb, 23:10

Free Sternenko: rally organizers supporting the activist announce an indefinite protest and call on everyone to come out on Saturday

22 feb, 08:39

Latvia provides assistance to Ukraine in fight against COVID-19 under NATO program

Photo, video
16 feb, 16:49

Admitted to police ranks: Chernivtsi police realize the dream of the boy with cancer

16 feb, 10:49

Ukrainian designers develop clothes from mushrooms, eucalyptus and hemp

8 feb, 20:25

"Uranium is mined in subsoils, and pasture is on the surface." Why Ukraine needs uranium mining

8 feb, 17:58

"Borysov's Food in KOLO" launched in Kyiv: "one euro" restaurant dishes appear in stores near your building

5 feb, 15:34

People's Deputy Pushkarenko demands to restore Sikorskyi's estate

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