Богдан Петришин

18 nov, 23:01
Sentsov's Rhino wins two awards at Stockholm International Film Festival

A schoolkid is worried about the planet's future: what to do? Simple eco habits for everyday

15 nov, 17:26
Newsweek calls Ukraine "choice investment destination"

13 nov, 08:10
Ukraine reports 23,572 new COVID-19 cases

Not just waste: how Poltava region schools turned composting into scientific research

Let's play?
Test: locksmith, machine operator, or cook — what is your industrial profession?

Special Project
"Fluent in 3 months," or how not to "wimp out," learning a foreign language

8 nov, 08:45
As of today, unvaccinated employees being suspended in Ukraine

2 nov, 19:45
Celebrities invite Ukrainians to join All-Ukrainian Pajamas Day

1 nov, 13:36
You're a star when you help! A national charity event for children with cancer will start on November 1

31 oct, 19:00
Best race athletes: Ukrainian Autocross Championship final took place in Dnipro

30 oct, 08:14
COVID-19 in Ukraine: 26,198 new cases in past day as of Oct 30

Legends of Ukrainian football and football players from the UAE played a friendly match

Is Ukraine Finally Tackling Corruption and Russian Influence?

23 oct, 08:12
Ukraine beats own daily vaccination record with nearly 290,000 jabs in past 24 hours

10 tips on how to protect your personal data

16 oct, 13:05
Sunflower harvest may exceed 15M tonnes this year

16 oct, 12:45