Special Project 20:30 11 Feb 2022

How to celebrate Valentine's Day in an unusual and cute way, if you want to stay home?

(Or what to do if you're sick of hearts everywhere)

What is the problem?

Are you two introverts who don't like to be in loud companies, and when on February 14 all cafes, cinemas, and entertainment places are full of visitors?

Or maybe you even remembered about the holiday last minute and you don't have time to cook at all?

And what if you don't have a partner or you're now far from each other?

After all, it's Monday on February 14 this year! Well, come on, do you want to go somewhere on Monday?

What is the solution?

Of course, the best solution in this situation is to stay at home. But don't lock yourself in with all the locks! Even if you don't like February 14 as a concept, spend this evening together, and we will tell you how to make it so that the evening was not banal.

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