We collected all the info you need to know about this vaccine
In March, 215 thousand doses of the Chinese coronavirus vaccine CoronaVac were brought to Ukraine. The contract with the Chinese company Biotech provided that 1.9 million vaccines would be imported at a cost of UAH 504 per dose. According to the chief sanitary doctor Viktor Liashko, the contract concluded between the Ukrainian company Lekhim and the Chinese Sinovac Biotech must be fully implemented: "Why did only 215 thousand doses come? It's a question for the company that supplies it… This company pays penalties for late deliveries. But we hope that the contract will be fulfilled soon, and this is 1.9 million doses of vaccine," he said. Health Minister Stepanov added that the remaining 1.7 million doses would be delivered in April-May. Within 10 days, the quality of vaccines was checked, and on April 13, Ukrainians began to receive the first doses of the drug.
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