We've gathered the most complete travel information. UPDATING
Almost a year has passed since the beginning of the quarantine. For roughly a year now, it's been impossible, as earlier, just to poke a finger at the map, buy a ticket to the other end of the planet and go to conquer new countries. Many managed to fly on vacation during this time, like to Turkey or Egypt, one of the most common destinations both in pre-quarantine and quarantine times, but we still feel the constraint of freedom of movement.
We know how much our readers are passionate about travel, so we prepared the most complete and accurate summary of information on all countries, and Sasha Kliashtornyi from Kyiv helped us; he's a traveler to the core, so passionate about discovering new countries that he even opened his own travel agency Pack_YO_bag. Sasha creates individual tours and often gets out to the various corners of the world, including several countries on one trip at once, and quarantine isn't a hindrance to this at all.
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