What’s Going On

Cold War 2.0: how the US confronts China (and what Ukraine has to do with it)

There have been a lot of China headlines in our news in recent weeks. The Ministry of Infrastructure signs an agreement with China on joint projects, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal attends the presentation of a book by Chinese leader Xi Jinping, "servant of the people" Davyd Arakhamia praises the Chinese Communist Party in an interview and calls to adopt its experience, and adviser to Head of the Office of the President, Oleh Arestovych warns that Ukraine will "turn" from the West to Beijing.

The Ze-team says that the reason is only the economy. Ukraine is counting on loans, investments, and the transit of goods from China to the EU through our ports. But several experts accuse Zelenskyy of plans to move away from European integration and co-operation with the IMF to China, which doesn't require reforms.

Meanwhile, rapprochement with China could quarrel us up with the United States and the European Union. After all, the conditional West, led by the United States, is starting a new "Cold War" against China. We explain how it continues and why it can affect Ukraine.

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