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Ukrainian courage becomes a brand, big business join #BRAVEUKRAINE movement

Dozens of Ukrainian brands and companies join the #BRAVEUKRAINE movement. Meanwhile, billboards "Be brave like Ukraine" are seen on the streets in Canada, Poland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Britain, Spain, the US and other countries.

Ukrainians are a nation of daredevils. When russia started its full-scale war against Ukraine and the strong resistance of Ukrainians against occupiers, the world heard the call "Be brave like Ukraine", be brave like Ukraine.

Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukrainians have always been the bravest in the world. According to him, this is the brand of our people.

"We have always been brave, the bravest in the world, I am sure of that. If everyone in the world had at least 10% of the courage we Ukrainians have, there would be no danger to international law. There is no danger to the freedom of nations. "We will spread our courage. We will launch a special global campaign to teach the world to be not just a little, but to be as brave as we Ukrainians are," the president said in a video address on April 7.

Banda agency, alongside Ukraine's digital ministry launched an internal and external campaign to promote Ukraine's courage.

«Ukrainians in the world have already been identified as a nation of brave people. Our people go to rallies against the Russian occupiers and stop tanks without weapons in their hands. Specialists continue to work even under fire and sirens – doctors, rescuers, utilities, vendors, drivers, and pharmacists. IT specialists continue to support the country's brand while sitting with a laptop in bomb shelters. It's really impressive"‎, the Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhaylo Fedorov stressed.

The main mission of the project is to capture and spread the association that Ukraine = courage.

Now it is important for Ukrainians not to lose the courage of the first weeks of the war, and the internal campaign is aimed at just that. The major objective of the international campaign is to share courage with the world and create an image of a country where brave people, bold businesses and bold ideas live.

"It was important for us to find a message that will be effective now and in the future. What will resonate better, give strength to all, and raise the fighting spirit? Undoubtedly, this is Ukrainian courage. Without it, there will be no freedom, no country… And today Ukraine's courage is unprecedented: the courage of the military, the courage of ordinary people, the courage of our cities. No country in the world is ready to fight Russia. And Ukraine is fighting and fighting successfully. Now the whole world admires Ukrainian courage. This is our DNA, our national resource. Now everyone knows that the courage is to be Ukraine"‎, — said Banda's agency's founder Pavel Vrzheshch.

For millions of people, Ukraine is already associated with courage and bravery. And dozens of Ukrainian companies are taking part in the #BRAVEUKRAINE movement to show what courage means for them.

Different companies offer their vision of courage:

BGV Group Management defines courage as part of the genetic code of Ukrainians.

The WOG gas station network writes that "courage is to be where we are needed most right now."


"Nova Poshta" says that "courage is our national resource. It has always been, but now the whole world sees it."

The COMFY chain of stores – that "courage is when you work in a COMFY store in February, and then go to defend your country with weapons in hand."

Medical lab Sinevo stressed that courage has  colors, they are blue-yellow. And it has a name – Ukraine.

ROZETKA changed the name of the company on the website to COURAGE, and its co-founder Vladislav Chechotkin commented: "Courage is to process, ship, transport, deliver goods and place orders, even when the country is at war."

Rubryka, online solutions media joined the movement too:

  • Courage is looking for solutions even in the most difficult situations.

  • Courage is to remain indifferent in spite of everything.

  • Courage is to stand up for Ukraine, each on his own front.

  • Courage is not to give up and develop our country even during the war. Especially during the war.

  • Courage is to take care of one's own and one's own.

  • For us, courage is something that cannot be taken away from Ukrainians.

  • Courage is to be Ukraine, to be Ukrainian.

The project website has short videos, layouts of posters, stickers and merch, with which you can broadcast the idea of ​​Ukrainian courage. Ukrainians abroad are invited to download materials, print and go to rallies with posters or post them in the city.

You can follow the project on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tik Tok.

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