What’s Going On

“When an unknown number calls me, I think something happened,” or how Ukrainian activists are persecuted

In 2019, the ZMINA Human Rights Center registered 83 cases of persecution of Ukrainian civil activists. In 2020, 101 such cases have been documented, and in 2021, it was 108. The figure is growing. But it is difficult to say whether the number of persecutions and harassment is increasing. It is likely that activists are beginning to speak more openly about the crimes they are suffering from.

Rubryka collected stories of activists, which they shared at the presentation of the research of the Zmina Human Rights Center.

What is the problem?

Telegram channels and physical violence

What if at least one telegram channel publishes your personal information (such as phone number and address)? Chances are you'll get a few calls from bored people. But what if a telegram channel does, whose subscribers absolutely condemn and even hate everything that you are always ready to defend? Then it will be much worse.

Such stories are constantly happening to Ukrainian activists. There are several telegram channels that publish personal data of public figures calling for violence. For ethical reasons, the Rubryka will not indicate their names. But for what reasons are they ignored by the police?

Anastasia Moskvychova

Center researcher Anastasia Moskvychova said that last year the police recorded 28 attempts to intimidate activists, 24 attempts to destroy or damage their property, and 20 physical attacks. As for the latter, only two cases were brought to court.

Cyber-attacks on activists and SMS-bombing are also actively carried out. The user's phone number is registered on a large number of different resources and merged with all possible private companies interested in databases. Then the merged number constantly receives various calls and messages.

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