What’s Going On

Ukraine’s efforts to eliminate corruption during the war: Rubryka invites for online discussion

Rubryka will host another public discussion in English for its foreign audience on November 21, 2023. If you are concerned about where the aid your country sends to Ukraine goes and if the corruption in Ukraine is the reason to stop helping, this discussion is for you. Independent journalists and civil society leaders will share their insights and answer your questions.

The frequent calls for more aid to Ukraine are often accompanied by counter-accusations of corruption at the basic level. These are also people's concerns about the need to eliminate corruption before the rebuilding process has started. 

What can Ukraine and, in particular, civil society do about it? War is always about challenging a balance between security measures and the high demand for truth. 

The event will be later shared as a podcast on all major podcast platforms.

When: November 21, 2023, 6 pm

Registration: please submit this Google form.

Topics for discussion:

  • What does Ukrainian civil society do as a domestic and international watchdog to help monitor and combat corruption?
  • What do sociology polls and the internal mood of the society tell us about the attitude towards corruption? 
  • What is the Dream system about, and how does it help Ukrainian civil society track the country's recovery?


  • Martyna Bohuslavets, executive director of the Institute of Legislative Ideas.
  • Petro Burkovskiy, executive director, Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF) 
  • Viktor Nestulya, Head of DREAM Project Office, Open Contracting Partnership

Moderator: Vladyslav Faraponov, Rubryka's community manager

Rubryka is Ukraine's only solutions-oriented media outlet that operates in a constructive journalism format. 

We collect stories of solutions, explaining how and why they work or fail, what the people implementing them encountered, the results, and how the solution can be scaled. We hope this will help our readers become agents of change in their lives, Ukraine, and the world.

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