In Handy

Do you suspect COVID-19? Where to take a coronavirus test in Kyiv and when to do a CT scan

Here's the plan in case you find symptoms of the disease

Why should you not expect a free coronavirus test from the state, and what should you pay attention to when choosing a coronavirus test? Why shouldn't everyone do a CT scan, and what are the cases when they do it for free? Rubryka answers practical questions and explains why you shouldn't spend money on unnecessary procedures.

You have the first coronavirus symptoms. What should you do?

  1. If you have a cough, fever, fatigue, etc., call your family doctor. If you do not have one, call the COVID-19 hotline (1583 in Kyiv).
  2. If the symptoms are more severe (shortness of breath, persistent chest pain, significant fever, diarrhea, loss of consciousness), call the emergency number 103.
  3. The operator will determine your condition and send an emergency medical team according to the symptoms.
  4. Healthcare professionals will assess your condition and decide if you need to be hospitalized, and if so, you'll be hospitalized.
  5. If there are no indications for hospitalizing, the team will provide recommendations for self-isolation and ask you to see a family doctor. If necessary, a medical professional will be sent to you for free to collect biomaterials for laboratory examination.

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