Summer part-time jobs for teenagers: what children and parents need to know
Violation of labor legislation in Ukraine is a topical issue, which is why it's so important for teenagers to know about their rights when looking for a summer job.
Long summer vacations are a time of rest, but some teenagers want to spend this period to their advantage. Learn something new or earn money for out-of-pocket expenses. With the latter, things aren't always easy, because even adults now find it difficult to find a vacancy, and finding a job as a teenager is even more challenging because you need to be careful not to be deceived.
Therefore, when finding a part-time job for the summer, teenagers need to be knowledgeable in legal matters, know their rights, and be aware of the responsibility they take on. We've prepared an article that will help young job seekers in their search, and are going to talk about the rules governing labor law for adolescents.
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