Defying stereotypes about people with disabilities: how to commune, what’s important to know
How many myths about individuals with disabilities have you heard? Does this phenomenon have a place in the 21st century, an era when critical thinking should prevail over various fakes? As part of the Inclusion Forum from the "Dostupno.UA" initiative, we'll offer useful tips on how to treat people with disabilities

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What to call such people?
There are many improper and even offensive terms. Let's immediately take them away and talk about the correct ones. A person with a disability is the term the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities proclaims. That's how the progressive part of this community talks and what common sense suggests. After all, we should remember that we meet a person first.
For specific cases: it can also be a person in a wheelchair/ a wheelchair user, a person with a visual impairment/ blind, a person with hearing impairment/ deaf, a person with autism, etc.
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