Digest 16:20 26 Nov 2023

New drones and a train-kitchen: five leading solutions of the week

Rubryka posts a short digest of the week's TOP 5 solutions that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

🤝 The first 3,000 FPV drones from Unity Operation were handed over to the Ukrainian military. They were equipped with Ukrainian-made ammunition and handed over to 19 military units.

🖨 The Defense Forces received three long-range UAVs printed on a 3D printer. It can fly for up to 6 hours; the range is 400 km, and the UAV has a camera.

💣 In Ukraine, the number of sappers will be raised to 5,000, with plans to increase the availability of vehicle equipment, specialized transport, and associated gear.

🔥 The Ministry of Defense accelerated the delivery of new weapons to Ukraine's armed forces. The term should be reduced to 20 days, and the testing of new weapons samples will take place already on the battlefield.

🚞 A one-of-a-kind train kitchen recently launched in  Ukraine.  The first stop was in the Kharkiv region, where a team of skilled chefs prepared 1,720 servings of food for residents and civil services.

Follow the first solutions media outlet Rubryka – we are bringing the victory closer!


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