What’s Going On

Disposable cardboard drones, and “Spider boots” for sappers: five leading solutions this week

Every Saturday, "Rubryka" offers a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

👀 The Ukrainian army uses disposable cardboard drones. Primarily, drones are used to transport ammunition, food, and medicine. However, they can also be utilized for reconnaissance flights and for dropping explosives.

🛡Ukrainian sappers were outfitted with an experimental shield and "spider boots" to help protect them from traumatic limb amputations. The shield allows the sapper to take cover and shield themselves from flying fragments.

🇪🇺 The heads of foreign affairs of the EU countries agreed on a plan to supply ammunition to Ukraine. The plan envisages the allocation of €1 billion for the purchase of about one million munitions.

🚑 The charity initiative Frontline.Care launched a large collection for 350 IFAK first-aid kits for the soldiers of the Armed Forces. The goal of the fundraiser is 1.9 million hryvnias. The initiative offers to buy a conditional ticket for a seat on the "Intercity" Kramatorsk — Kyiv train. The price of a symbolic ticket is one individual first-aid kit.

🔥Equipment for Ukraine! Norway handed over 8 promised Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine. And Slovakia transferred the first four MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine.

Follow the solution-oriented media "Rubryka" — let's bring the victory closer together!

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