What’s Going On

Mine detectors for Kherson and first Veteran Development Center in Ukraine: five leading solutions of the week

Every Saturday, Rubryka publishes a short digest of the TOP-5 solutions of the week that bring Ukraine's victory closer:

💰 Three European countries allocated EUR 65 million to the World Bank's special fund for Ukraine — Iceland, Latvia, and the Netherlands made new grant contributions. The Ukraine Relief, Recovery, Reconstruction, and Reform Trust Fund is the subject at hand. The total volume of URTF funding reached more than $920 million.

🇸🇪 Sweden will create service centers for military equipment near Ukraine. Military equipment transferred to Ukraine will be repaired and serviced in the centers: CV-90 combat vehicles, Leopard tanks, Archer, and Robot 70 artillery installations.

💥 Sweden also sent 250 mine detectors to Ukraine to eliminate the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP. After all, the land masses set in motion due to the flood may contain land mines, so-called "cluster bombs," and other munitions. Dangerous mines may have moved or become mixed with earth masses or debris.

🛰 The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has announced a $1 million grant to develop methods of combating enemy drones. The AntiShahed Drone Hackathon invites developers, engineers, and cyber specialists to collaborate in creating systems and technologies for detecting and destroying enemy drones. The Hackathon will run on June 24-25 and will take place in Kyiv.

💪 In Dnipro, the first Veterans Development Center in Ukraine has started to work – it will create conditions for the reintegration of veterans and their family members into public life through the development of professional skills, retraining, promotion of employment of veterans, training of future veterans' assistants.

Follow the first Ukrainian solutions media outlet Rubryka – let's bring the victory closer!

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