In Handy 10:30 28 Aug 2021

Dog translator and nose ID: 20 solutions for your companions that will surprise you

And beer for dogs, smart bowls, and advertising targeted at our pets. This is exactly what you didn't expect!

Our paws are more than just our pets. These are our friends, real family members. Animal advocates from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are urging us to phase out the phrase "pet," which humiliates our friends. Animal rights activists instead suggest using the more loyal word "companion."

And a companion is a serious affair. They need to be taken into account, understood, sometimes (yes, really!) provided with education and even access to advertising. How?

We've collected 20 interesting solutions that will help you better communicate with your darlings, take care of them, admire their talents, and respect them as individuals. No less!

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In Handy

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