What’s Going On

The light at the end of the tunnel: solution journalism during war

Solutions will save the world when it burns in flames: solutions and those who implement them.

With the start of a full-scale war between Russia and Ukraine, the lives of Ukrainians have changed dramatically. No one is not affected by this war. What has changed is how we live each day, who we direct our prayers to, who we gather help for, and how we help ourselves.

The news has changed. The media outlets have changed

In the first days of the war, our editorial office, like most Ukrainian publications, was immersed in the news. The news was everything for all Ukrainians – it was necessary to know what was happening every second of the war. Information and publicity have become weapons. We worked day and night not to miss anything so that our readers' awareness of the developments in Ukraine and abroad remained maximum. And we continue to do so now.

But then we remembered an important thing – we can do more. We can be even more helpful. We remembered solution journalism, which was our main focus before the start of the full-scale war and remains so today.

Two years ago, Rubryka decided to focus on developing solution-making journalism in Ukraine. Today, solution journalism has become more valuable than ever. And now we will show (no, not where the attack on Belarus was prepared from) why and how it works.

What is Solution Journalism?

What is the main feature of this type of journalism? Solution journalism focuses on specific cases and stories of certain people, groups, and communities. The materials created in this direction focus not only on the problem but on possible solutions. We talked more about the approach here and about our unique format of materials in this genre here.

What solutions are you talking about? There is a war going on!

In times of full-scale war, when the future seems impossible to plan or predict, when we are all glued to the news (as in "Harry Potter", hoping we don't hear bad news), it's time to start making good news ourselves. Create solutions and alongside your future and the future of Ukraine. And also to tell about the already working solutions so that even more people can try out these experiences and spread positive practices or solve urgent issues they might be facing.

The point is that solutions are needed now more than ever because the problems we have faced need an immediate response, and people need realistic and proven options for themselves. We can help them cope with new challenges. And last but not least, we can help change-makers get support by spreading information about them.

Solution journalism now works in both directions, helping both solution-makers and seekers.

How does it work?

What solutions can there be during the war?

Instructions and problem solving here and now.

It is a wartime solution journalism designed to solve urgent problems quickly and suggest solutions to people who need them right now. These are instructions, explanatory materials, and materials "What to do if…?". These are detailed explanations for questions that Google doesn't know the answers to, based on the personal experiences of those who have already dealt with the problem and the advice of experts who know how to help.

We are looking for answers to such questions, and we are looking for solutions to such problems.

Solutions from other times and places.

Now we are all in a situation that was unthinkable for most. We had not been preparing for the issues we faced today. We are not alone, no matter how lonely we may seem in this (after all, Ukraine is now repelling the Horde's attack on Europe). We are not alone in these problems. People have encountered them in other times and are facing them now – in other parts of our planet. It is essential to gather experience in solving these problems – because it can help us find the right solutions faster and more efficiently.

We are already working on pieces on the experience of rebuilding destroyed cities and resolving the housing crisis for internally displaced persons. And here is the solution in case of the food crisis, which everyone will be able to implement.

Moreover, before the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, people were already finding solutions to problems that have now become common to all of us. For example, the story of creating vitamin cocktails or dry rations for our defenders. Then they were the solutions of the war in eastern Ukraine. Now they can help all Ukrainians.

The most important thing. Cases and stories.

The stories of people who were able to find and implement solutions to a problem that has become common to many are what we need today not only to be able to adopt these solutions (although this is the main thing). They are required to see despite everything, Ukrainians do not give up, move forward, unite, and come to each other's aid.

With the start of a full-scale war in Ukraine, the problems increased. The good news is that we can see that there are also more solutions and those who care about them. Many more people are not indifferent and ready to solve problems. So we can't help but win – we are already looking for a solution to our Victory.

All these solutions are found and implemented by people – the heroes of a strong and independent Ukraine. All these solutions are helping thousands of people cope with the problems of war right now. And each of them needs publicity because each of them also needs help. Therefore, in the materials, we leave the contacts and details of the change agents so that everyone can support them and thus also become part of the solution and bring our Victory closer.

So we create an extensive network of solutions where everyone can be a part of them and contribute to their implementation. We are building a bridge between initiatives and Ukrainians. And traffic on this bridge is in both directions.

After the Victory

When the full-scale war in Ukraine is over, and we celebrate our Victory over Russia, we will have an important task. Rebuild our country. Make it even better than before the aggressor's attack. Find new ways to solve problems – from environmental to social. Then solution journalism will become an essential guide for Ukrainians in this process. It will continue to do what it is already doing – finding solutions, disseminating working practices, telling how everyone can implement them, and helping changemakers to get the support they need.

How to help solutions get noticed?

You can help us tell Ukraine and the world about even more helpful solutions that Ukrainians are now finding and implementing.

  • Share with us if you know about the initiatives and people solving problems today, bringing our Victory closer, and helping those who need help. We will share them with Ukraine and the world, help get the necessary support and let those who need help know about the working mechanisms for obtaining it. If you are a person who brings change yourself, contact us. Our email address: team@rubryka.com
  • You can help us share even more stories of Ukrainian solutions by donating the Rubryka. This way, you will support our team and allow us to continue working and finding new solutions. You can help Rubryka here. We are grateful for every contribution.

You can also support Rubryka by following us on social media: FacebookTwitterTelegramInstagram

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And last but not least. Each of us today can be a creator of good news. Each of us can find, implement or support an existing solution. Let's not forget about it and move on to our Victory!

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