January 22 is the Day of Unity in Ukraine. A day when Ukrainians remember what unites us, what gives us strength, and what makes us who we are. Every day, Ukrainians show extraordinary bravery. We prove that living on this earth is an honor. So those who do not have it will not stay here for long. We share a selection of photos from "Rubryka" that best show our unity.
russia's war against Ukraine has been going on for eight years, but on February 24, 2022 it took on new dimensions. For almost a year now, the entire territory of Ukraine has been under constant threat of rocket attacks, thousands of Ukrainians have died, and another three thousand are defending their country. So the military knows the most about unity.
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“Рубрика” розповідає, на що звернути увагу, коли ви обираєте світловідбивні елементи, а також чому взимку… Читати більше
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Rubryka spoke with experts from Let's Do It Ukraine and Zero Waste Alliance Ukraine to… Читати більше
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Choosing a career is a challenge for many teenagers in Ukraine, especially in times of… Читати більше
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