What’s Going On

Linking SIM cards to passports: how the new law works and what to do now

You don't need to provide passport data to the operator, but in the future, this requirement will become widespread. We analyze the pros and cons, consider examples from other countries, analyze examples from life.

What is the problem?

On January 1, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Electronic Communications" came into force. Among other things, the law also changes the approach to updating lost SIM cards by mobile subscribers. Previously, such actions took place without identifying the subscriber according to passport data. And now restoring services in case of loss of electronic identification means by an impersonal (anonymous) subscriber (including SIM-cards, e-SIM, Internet router settings, etc.) is subject to identification of this subscriber with the provider of electronic communications services and personal data. Sound difficult? It seemed not only to you.

Because of the difficult wording and misinterpretation of the new rules, many have decided that the SIM card must be urgent, from January 1, 2022, tied to passport data. But this is not the case. We analyze how the new rule will work.

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