We found out which vaccine virologists called the most dangerous, whether the connection between allergic reactions and vaccination was proven, and what drugs' side effects were registered in countries where vaccination had already begun.
Photo BBC
The coronavirus vaccine appeared a little less than a year after the first case of coronavirus was detected. It's truly a record time; we've never seen such a precedent in history.
There are several vaccine analogs, but not one has passed all the stages of testing so far. However, many countries have already begun to vaccinate health workers, and along with this, the first adverse reactions, allergies, and even deaths have taken place. We've collected all the information about cases detected in countries where vaccination has already begun. We'd like to note that any allergic or other negative reactions to the vaccine are extremely rare cases that occur with introducing other vaccines. Besides, for most people, side effects and other reactions are mild and don't require hospitalization; it's also common with any vaccine.
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