Over the past week, the President's Office has been teasing Ukrainian politicians and journalists with intrigue: against whom they are going to impose sanctions at a meeting of the National Security Council, which they promised to hold on February 19. Rumors were contrasting: from new sanctions against Viktor Medvedchuk to "grabbing" the Priamoi TV channel from Petro Poroshenko and banning the party of the pro-Russian blogger Anatolii Sharii, against whom the SBU just opened a criminal case.
As it turned out on Friday night, some insiders were close to the truth, but no one gave the full picture. How Volodymyr Zelenskyi decided to deprive Medvedchuk of the most precious thing, how Medvedchuk can respond, and why Poroshenko found himself in an unfavorable position, read further in the Rubryka article.
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