Review 17:04 17 Feb 2021

If such a law existed in Ukraine. And how similar norms are already working in other countries.

If such a law existed in Ukraine. And how similar norms are already working in other countries.

Illustration: Oleksandr Hrekhov

The Rada has registered draft law№4599-2, which considers introducing administrative liability for public offenses to human dignity based on gender or the creation of a hostile, offensive, or derogatory atmosphere (environment) in relation to such a person or group of persons, given their gender. If the draft law is approved, such actions will entail a fine of 170 to 510 hryvnia or community service for thirty to sixty hours, or an administrative arrest for up to fifteen days.

Earlier, another draft law on prohibiting sexism displays in society №4598 was submitted to the Rada. The document defines sexism, according to which sexism is any action, gesture, visual manifestation, spoken or written words, practice, or behavior based on the idea that a person or group of people is worse because of their gender, appearing in the public or private sphere, on or off the Internet, and:

  • aimed at insulting the dignity or rights of a person or a group of people;
  • causing sexual, psychological harm or suffering to an individual or group of individuals;
  • creating a threatening, hostile, degrading, or offensive environment;
  • hindering the independence or full enjoyment of human rights by an individual or group of individuals;
  • supporting and reinforcing gender stereotypes.

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