Injury, shock, disease, poison, injury, burn, hypothermia: today, knowing how to provide first aid to both people and animals is vital for every Ukrainian. Rubryka asked a veterinarian what actions can save an animal's life and what every dog or cat owner should know. We share the instructions in the article.
Today, knowing how to provide pre-medical assistance is not just a helpful skill but a vital function for every Ukrainian. Unfortunately, not only people but also animals suffer from russia's war in Ukraine. Hundreds of veterinarians and volunteers rescue injured and frightened animals in the war zone, but they do not always happen to be near an injured dog or cat, and often every minute counts. Even in peaceful Ukrainian cities, ordinary citizens knowing how to provide first aid to an animal that is sick, poisoned, or injured can often save its life.
There's a solution—first, don't despair if your friend is in trouble. Learn first aid for animals. Practicing veterinarians are ready to help everyone who wants to get the necessary knowledge. For example, in August, the Exhibition Center temporary shelter for animals held a training session on providing first aid to animals. At the event, the specialists of Kyiv City Hospital of Veterinary Medicine taught those willing to provide first aid to animals in non-standard situations. However, only Kyiv residents could get there. What should those who live far from the capital do?
Rubryka asked the veterinary surgeon Yulia Liubeznikova, who practices in Kyiv, about all the tricks of first aid for animals. Bookmark this article—you have to be prepared for anything in wartime. The tips collected and presented below will be helpful to caring owners and everyone who cares about our little brothers.
First, we stress that all the following tips refer to the first pre-medical aid. According to Yulia Liubeznikova, long-term self-treatment can lead to severe consequences and even the death of animals. The best thing you can do for your pet in a life-threatening emergency is to call a doctor you trust to get an appointment as soon as possible. Also, many veterinarians of various specialties have united and provided free online consultations.
But suppose there's no such opportunity to turn to the doctor, and you need to provide help on your own. In that case, you should observe personal safety measures because many diseases are anthropozoonoses, that is, common to humans and animals. During painful procedures, animals may react aggressively and bite their savior in self-defense.
The expert advises:
If the wound is fresh, the animal will most likely experience bleeding.
Medicine distinguishes capillary, venous, and arterial bleeding.
Accordingly, you can stop capillary and minor venous bleeding with a hydrogen peroxide moistened bandage. You can use cold, which will shrink the small vessels at the wound.
Did the dog or cat crush the first aid kit or eat some chemicals at home? It also happens. Remember the name of the substance and provide the information to the doctor.
In case of burns, wash the damaged area with cold water for 3-5 minutes, put a napkin with a saline solution on it, and consult a doctor. Do not use ointments and creams.
Do not approach the source of high voltage! De-energize the object if you can. Push the animal away with a long dry wooden (not metal!!!) stick. If you can and need, perform artificial respiration. See a doctor immediately!
Pull the animal out of the water, holding the hind limbs up, and wipe the nose and mouth. Give artificial respiration if you can and need it. Hurry to the doctor!
Analyzing the above, everyone with an animal should ensure that the necessary drugs and means for animal first aid are at hand. So let's create a first aid kit and put it there:
By treating or providing first aid, you assume responsibility for the life and health of the animal. Make sure your actions are safe by contacting your veterinarian.
You must provide help in a safe place. Take care of this so that someone does not have to help you later. When rescuing an animal, do not risk your life and health.
In summarizing, Yulia Liubeznikova says you shouldn't forget about the mandatory vaccination of your animal. Vaccinate animals once a year, starting at 1.5-2 months, against infectious diseases and rabies (beginning at three months of age). Carry out prophylactic deworming according to the conditions as prescribed by a doctor. Treat animals for external parasites.
Take care of yourself, your families, and your animals! For health and victory!
The article uses photos Rubryka took at the Providing First Aid To Animals training at the Exhibition Center's temporary shelter for animals.
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