On February 6, 2020, the Ministry of Digital Transformation presented the Diia application. And already on February 8, 2022, at the summit dedicated to the second anniversary of the state portal, they said in two years the savings from the digitalization of services amounted to 14.7 billion UAH.
The Diia functionality is being expanded. And Rubryka tells about Digital Ministry's new solutions to solve our old problems.
Inherited from the Soviet past, Ukraine has received many negative phenomena. One of them is bureaucracy. Form №13, which no one has seen, 115th cabinet, which is always closed, reduced working day, which lasts two hours… All this is bureaucracy, which for years has complicated the lives of Ukrainians and in many areas continues to complicate.
But there is already a solution that if it's not eliminated, it will be reduced. And this is Diia.
The Diia is already used by 14 million Ukrainians. It uploads the passport, driver's license, vaccination certificate, gives the opportunity to open sole entrepreneurship, register the birth of a child, pay taxes, and much more only through the application. A lot. But there will be more. Read below about the main updates of Diia.
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