
2022 Olympic Games and ecology. What solutions will Beijing surprise us with?

It will be difficult to impress the world after Tokyo's efforts at the 2020 Summer Olympics. But China will try.

What is the problem?

An environmental approach and concern for the future of the planet is an unconditional trend of the 21st century. Of course, these issues have been discussed before, but in recent years, the scale of the discussion has changed significantly. The problem of environmental pollution has become close not only to a narrow circle of environmentalists and "green" activists but also to heads of state, politicians, big and small businesses, and the world community.

The theme of sports has always gone hand in hand with the theme of health. Now the fact that a healthy environment is necessary for a healthy sport is so obvious that it is hardly surprising that environmental friendliness has become one of the major components of sports life. And the world's biggest sporting event, the Olympic Games, was quick to take on board. Now each subsequent Olympics competes with the previous one for the title of "most environmentally friendly."

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