She’s Got It

Not your business: 5 women who overcome gender stereotypes

Firefighter, rapper, scientist, director, and politician: for International Women's Day, we prove that there are no "male" and "female" professions.

Ukraine is on the path to overcoming gender inequality. The Global Gender Gap Report 2020, prepared by the World Economic Forum, measures the size of the gender gap in four important areas of inequality between women and men: economic participation, education level, health, and political representation. In 2020, Ukraine ranked 59th out of 153 countries studied. For International Women's Day, we want to talk about what gender equality is, why it's important for our country, and how Ukrainian women inspire us by professional achievements, despite stereotypes.

According to the definition in our country's Constitution, gender equality is an equal legal status of women and men and equal opportunities for its implementation, which allows persons of both sexes to participate equally in all spheres of society.

Gender equality is also one of the 17 main Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Development Program, which were agreed upon by world leaders in 2015. Each of them is very ambitious and all together they aim to overcome poverty on the planet by 2030.

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