
Rubryka launches Eco-solutions Journalism School

Ecorubric is excited to announce the launch of its recruitment for the training program on environmental solutions journalism. The course will feature Rubryka and Ecorubric experts who will share their knowledge and experience in solution-oriented journalism, along with renowned environmentalists discussing key environmental issues and their corresponding solutions. Upon completion of the program, participants will have the opportunity to apply for scholarships to create content on environmental topics.

What are the necessary components for a green recovery in communities? What types of OSINT tools do environmental journalists utilize for investigations? What steps can be taken to address the climate crisis in Ukraine? How can one stay up-to-date on the most relevant topics through communication with environmental organizations? What is the importance and method of restoring aquatic ecosystems? Join us at Ecorubric's School of Environmental Journalism Solutions to learn all of this and more.

What is the benefit of this course?

  • If you are interested in beginning to write about environmental issues or if you're already writing and looking to further your understanding, then this course is perfect for you. With the help of experts from top environmental organizations, you will gain insights into the structure of environmental protection in Ukraine. They will also discuss the dangers of biodiversity loss and ways to combat it, as well as how to address climate change by prioritizing the preservation of forests and aquatic ecosystems.
  • You will learn useful skills, including effective communication with environmental organizations. Additionally, you will become proficient in remote intelligence gathering tools (OSINT), enabling you to be the first to uncover violations in the areas of nature conservation, water and air pollution across various regions of Ukraine. This includes major fires and the state of the environment, even in occupied territories.
  • Throughout the course, you will gain knowledge on the fundamental elements of solutions journalism, and you will also be provided with a handy "square cheat sheet" to enhance the organization of your writing.

What do we offer?

A two-day in-person lecture series in Kyiv featuring esteemed speakers from Rubryka, Ecorubric, and other top environmental and conservation groups such as Greenpeace Ukraine, Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group, Rewilding Ukraine, EcoDiya, WWF-Ukraine, Bat Rehabilitation Center, and Ecology.Law.Human.

Once the offline course has been completed, participants from the School will be eligible to move on to the second stage of selection and apply to create materials on environmental topics in the form of solutions journalism. The top five students will be awarded a scholarship of 8,000 hryvnias and will also receive mentoring assistance.

Who can apply?

This course on environmental journalism solutions is designed for journalists from regional and national media who want to learn more about solutions journalism, as well as gain in-depth knowledge of environmental problems in Ukraine and their possible solutions.

How much does it cost?

The program is free!

We also cover travel and accommodation costs for journalists from other cities.

When will the course take place?

  • February 2025

How to join?

Fill out the online application form.
Deadline: December 29 (inclusive)

The project is implemented by the NGO "Successful City Institute" with the support of the UNESCO International Programme for the Development of Communication.

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