People have invented many ways to solve the problem: from smoke screens to billboards, predatory to mosquitoes. We talk about the most interesting of them and life hacks, how to protect yourself from mosquitoes on your own.
One member of this species of insect, which constantly buzzes over the ear and tries to bite even through clothing, can significantly spoil anyone's sleep and rest. What can you say when an entire army of these bloodthirsty creatures attacks?
We can hear complaints about the mosquito infestation today from residents of all regions of Ukraine. Environmentalists and local authorities explain this by heavy rainfall, which this year shifted from May to June, as well as cyclical changes in the insect population from year to year, but people aren't relieved. Exhausted by mosquitoes, Ukrainians, slapping all parts of the body, call on the authorities to stop turning the blame on nature and do something to reduce the number of insects that have multiplied in large numbers. Unfortunately, it's not accepted to allocate money in local budgets to curb the mosquito element. Earlier, the Ministry of Health required spraying crowded places and parks with special means to prevent insects from multiplying so quickly, but now this is unnecessary. Therefore, in many cities of Ukraine, anti-mosquito treatment is not carried out at all.
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