What’s Going On

“It’s not yours, and you’re mad”: what’s happening with Mohyla Academy

In April 2020, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy was left without a leader. The first elections took place in September, but two candidates received an equal number of votes. In January, Mohyla residents finally elected a president, but the Ministry of Education and Science announced re-elections. Neither candidates nor educators understand the reason. The official position is "because of violation of the procedure." On the eve of the announced protest near the Cabinet of Ministers, the decision on re-election is still canceled.

Nevertheless, former and current students and teachers of Mohyla Academy are gathering today, where they will demand the resignation of Minister Shkarlet, along with others who are not indifferent. Meanwhile, Rubryka tells what is behind in this story and how far they can go.

What is the problem?

"Minister of plagiarist sciences"

This is how former Minister of Education Anna Novosad tagged incumbent Minister Serhii Shkarlet last summer. The scandal erupted around three of his research papers, in which the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education saw plagiarism.

Serhii Shkarlet

Subsequently, there was a court that didn't see the plagiarism. But the scientific community still sticks to its guns; Shkarlet took whole pieces of texts from other people's works. And it was Serhii Kvit, who was elected president of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy by 52.80% of voters, who headed the National Agency, which declared a crime that is considered the most serious for a scholar.

Shkarlet's lawyer then demanded that Kvit be removed and claimed that he was prejudiced against his client.

And on January 27, the second stage of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy presidential election took place. At the same time, Serhiy Kvit said that they tried to interfere in the election. A group of 8-10 masked men stole one of the ballot boxes. However, the police quickly returned the box. The kidnappers tried to fill it with greenery, but the ballots themselves were not damaged.

Serhii Kvit

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