One-third of Ukrainian schoolchildren didn't pass EIT in mathematics for an obvious reason: we explain why
Ukrainians haven't forgotten mathematics: the problem lies in the registration system for external independent testing

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The season for applying to universities is about to begin. As in previous years, the admission of future students to the university will depend on the points they received at the EIT. This year, schoolchildren showed strikingly low results in the EIT in mathematics. Of the 67 points, 31% of applicants didn't score 10 passable points. Test participants whose score is below 10 points cannot use the result of the mathematics test for admission to the university.
The math test consisted of 34 tasks, the completion of which was allotted 210 minutes. The level of difficulty of the tasks is acceptable, those who've seen the tasks have repeatedly stated this. You can verify this yourself because the EIT-ONLINE platform already has available tasks.
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