What’s Going On

“Servant of the People” Maksym Zaremskyi: “Don’t eat the marshmallow yet”

What is Zelenskyi's party talking about and how to make an ordinary village the center of sports events? Rubryka learned about this from the People's Deputy of the 202nd constituency from the "Servant of the People" party, Maksym Zaremskyi.

We met Maksym Zaremskyi by correspondence course. The deputy from the "Servant of the People" party wrote to us with a request to write columns for Rubryka. Rubryka published one of them here and decided to take the opportunity to learn a little more about its author. Read in the interview what happened and how an athlete deputy really is.

— Maksym, we know that you have three higher educations: in law, sports, and public administration. In Wikipedia photo, you're pictured with a bunch of medals. Which came first: sports or law?

— For the last 6 years I've worked in leading government positions, but sports occurred during my studies as a lawyer, it' my first education. For every guy, man, it gives a character, and I think that's the essence of sports. It gave me a core foundation that I can now apply in a variety of areas. Now for me, sport is a public activity. I just want to promote it and involve people in a healthy lifestyle.

Everything started at an amateur level when I was a young guy and wanted to improve my strength. So I got acquainted with weightlifting and powerlifting. I'm a prize-winner of the district and regional competitions, and among my pupils, there's even a world champion in arm wrestling, more than 20 athletes are region champions and national champions. That is, it is a dream that has grown into opening a gym in the village of Berehomet, which is free for visitors. Also, together with the community leader, I made a free group, where the community's youth has an alternative to bad habits and can expand their worldview and not only train the body, but also develop spiritually and morally.

Photo: Rubryka

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