What’s Going On

Сhurch aims at secular education, Ministry of Education doesn’t mind. What is the solution for parents?

Rubryka looks at why Christian education lessons in secular schools are illegal and what their dangers are.

The guns haven't yet cooled down after the war between religious organizations and the "Faine Misto" festival. Some haven't stopped resenting the alternative attitude to their values, while others have argued that Ukraine is a secular state, and therefore the church has no right to interfere in society. On the one hand, there are warnings that it will lead Ukraine to criminal prosecution of citizens for "insulting the feelings of devotees." On the other hand, we hear applause for such initiatives.

And a recent scandal is raging. Ivano-Frankivsk Mayor Ruslan Martsinkiv (who previously commissioned the consecration of one of the locations of the Porto Franko festival after the performance of the "Hammerman Destroys Viruses" band) announced the introduction of Christian education lessons in the city's schools. The lessons will be held under the direct supervision of the church: this "subject" will be taught not only by professional teachers but also by priests of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

"The church and the school have signed a memorandum of cooperation! We need to build Ukraine on the principles of spirituality and Christian values, to preserve our tradition. We need our children in this difficult world not to feel lonely to lend a helping hand so that our schools don't just have Christian ethics, but so that the teaching of this subject is really high quality," he said.

And it seems that the mayor of Ivano-Frankivsk is incredibly serious. After all, he set as his target not only students who, due to unformed critical thinking and actual lack of life experience, are easily exposed to external influences, but also adult teachers: "We'll look for motivational things for children and teachers to delve into this subject with joy."

Rubryka analyzed how legal Martsinkiv's actions were and whether religion had a place in the school.

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