
Where to leave your dog on vacation: how hotels for paws operate

And how to choose one so as not to worry about your pet

The holiday season is in full swing. For many, it's a time when you can not only get a nice rest but also recharge for the entire year with positive emotions and fresh impressions by having the long-awaited vacation. Leaving the apartment tired of endless lockdowns and going on vacation to the mountains, the sea, to another city or country.

But where to leave a dog or cat during the holidays? To whom and where to leave them?

Of course, you can take your pet with you. Many hotels are pet-friendly nowadays, but on any trip with a pet, you need to be prepared for additional inconveniences. Pets aren't interested in tours, exhausting long walks. They're unlikely to be allowed to museums and most restaurants, and when traveling abroad, the number of difficulties and obstacles can increase many times over. In addition, there are cases when we can't take the animal with us and can't stay.

One option is to entrust the care of your pet to relatives or friends. This is a perfectly acceptable option, especially if you have people you trust who love animals, know how to treat them, and are willing to take on this responsibility at any time. However, even the most conducive people may have their own plans and affairs. Someone may want to go somewhere too. Eventually, you may hear an unexpected but firm "no" at your request.

A few years ago, such a situation could've brought pet owners to despair, but fortunately, now finding a specialized hotel for paws in any Ukrainian city isn't a problem. Such hotels are only gaining popularity in our country, but for Western countries, it has long been not a rarity.

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