What’s Going On

“Now it’s the most important thing”: where and how in Dnipro help the victims of the January 14 attack

Rubryka's correspondent reports from one of the points of invisibility where those who were injured due to the russian attack on a residential building the day before are currently being placed. 

In Dnipro, they continue to dismantle rubble and rescue people – the rescuers have been working all night, but more than 30 residents have not yet been found. The struggle continues.

But this is not the only field of operations. An invincibility point with a hundred beds, electricity and the opportunity to get help from a doctor and a psychologist was deployed for those who were injured and needed help as a result of the russian attack on the city on January 14.

The point works on the basis of the communal out-of-school institution Children and Youth Center "Sturm". Here, in particular, you can sleep in a warm bed, eat, and get professional help.

The whole city helps the victims – people from Dnipro bring things, warm blankets, and food to the centre.

"People were bringing clothes and food on their own initiative until three o'clock in the morning… And now (in the morning, ed.) they continue to bring it," says Iryna Herlivanova, the director of the institution.

She receives new calls every second. People constantly need help.

At the moment, volunteers are sorting through the brought things – over the course of the night and morning, about half a thousand people from Dnipro brought a huge amount of things. As Iryna says, now it's  the most important thing – to help those who lost everything in a moment to return to life.

All items brought will be sent to the victims as a targeted support.\

What is missing and what the affected Dnipro residents still need will become clear a bit later, when the volunteers sort through all the things that have already been brought.

The address of the point based in "Sturm": vul. Getmana Petra Doroshenka, 9

The other points of invincibility are deployed at

  • НВК №111 (pre-school department), vul. Victiry Embankment, 138
  • НВК №113, Heroes av, 38

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