
Charity for the holidays: how community initiatives help those in need

On the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, each of us is waiting for a miracle. And it doesn't matter if you're an adult or a child. Everyone wants to believe in the better.

What is the problem?

There are people who find it difficult to fully experience the New Year holiday. For example, they're lonely old people, homeless, internally displaced persons, orphans, or people who have faced difficult life circumstances. However, they all need and really want attention, warmth, and faith for the better.

You can become a philanthropist for them. In Ukraine, the needy are cared for mainly by charitable foundations and public initiatives, sometimes by socially responsible businesses. You can join this community. After all, everyone can work miracles.

According to volunteer Oleksandra Mulkevych, their public initiative "Starenki" is in many cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Kramatorsk, Boryslav, Kolomyia. Next year, the charity's territory will expand.

The volunteer charity fund was born from a post on social media, where one of the co-founders of the public initiative was looking for people who would like to help the elderly. Oleksandra is convinced that if you know who needs help, you don't need charitable foundations, but if there are no needy people around, you can turn, in particular, to their initiative.

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